Table of Contents

This is about my bot update and restart program. Written 26-2-2022.

How the program is supposed to work.

  1. Check for a difference between two files.
  2. If there is a difference, replace the current file. Else wait for the next time needed.
  3. Stop the bot.
  4. Start the bot.

Writing 12/13-3-2022

Way found for file Diff. Added it, it works and everything else should be easy from here. Further updates will follow.

Writing 20-3-2022

This project will be on hold on 24-3-2022. The reason for this is I will be trying to make a X11 window manager.

Writing 21-3-2022

It works for the most part, It will find a difference, kill the bot and restart it. The problem is now make the program do the following on demand/

  1. stop the bot.
  2. restart the bot.
  3. pause the bot.
  4. resume the bot.
  5. kill the program.

I think I will use pipes for this and a secondary handler program. This handler program will take one argument. it will be one of the following. 1. stop 2. restart 3. pause 4. resume 5. kill

This is so I can use ssh to do this. And this project will most likely be done by the twenty-fourth.

Writing 22-3-2022

I decided to scrap yesterday's idea do to the fact there is no point. I can stop and start the program from the terminal. As for testing the bot, I am going to make another discord bot app on there dev portal.